Hello! It's hard to believe how long it's been since I wrote on here. It's not that i've been overly busy or have nothing to write about, I just didn't seem to have the inkling to do it. Well, let me give a list of what's been happeneing in our lives.
1. We moved out of our house at the end of May. The week before we moved was busy with me packing. It was hard to leave a place that we like not knowing where we would end up especially since the weather was so great that we ate outside every night on the quiet deck enjoying our yard. It was also sad when I came back to clean the empty house and realized that everything I touched we had done something to it to improve it or make it our own.
2. Mom and Dad have graciously opened their home to us for as long as we need. We have now been here for just over two weeks and it is going really well. I don't think that there are many people who could say that living with their parents is very good.
3. We went and saw a house, liked it, put in an offer and it was accepted. The deal is now closed and we get possession at the end of this month! WOW! Way sooner than we expected. The only thing is that there are tenants in the top and bottom of the house and we have to give them two months notice to leave so we may not actually get in to the house until August 1. Hopefully they will leave sooner. The house is nothing spectacular but it has lots of potential for us to make it our own AND it has a big backyard which I love!
4. We got Cory a new bicycle and Hannah a Croozer trailer and I got Cory's old bike. That was one of the main reasons we wanted to move to the flat so that I could be more active. Cory always has been but i'm a bump on a log. And so far it's worked! We have ridden to church (which is about 5km away) a few times and went on a few walks too. It's amazing how far you can go when there isn't an extreme uphill trek on the way home. I even rode by myself on my own initiative!

5. This last weekend we went and picked up our scooter. We have talked about getting one for a while and now we were able to get it. It's great on fuel and provindes us with a cheap second vehicle. I rode it for the first time yesterday and it was fun. I have to get my bike licence before I can ride it legally though because it's a 150cc scooter. I wanted something with more power because I hate seeing those people on the little scooters holding up traffic. This one really goes!

6. Hannah is getting so smart. We are so blessed to have such an easy happy girl. Everyday she is saying a new consanant sound and figuring out how things work. Well, everything except for moving around. She still just sits and plays in relatively the same spot. Which really is ok with me!

So that is the catch up of my life. Hopefully it won't be so long til I write again. Oh yeah, our camera is getting fixed so the pictures are mostly what I found online.