On a different note, My sweet little girl has decided she has opinions and attitudes about things. Yesterday was one of the toughest yet. Right from when she woke up pretty much all she said all day was , "don't" with tons of attempts at whacking as well. It didn't matter if I told her not to open the garbage or asked if she wanted a snack. It was all the same. Whack..."don't" or "don't....whack, whack. whack. I talked to my sister (thanks Frass) and she laughed. I knew she would understand. It makes me so happy to be able to talk to people who went, or are going through the same kind of stuff. I appreciate it alot! Both my sister and sister(in law) are awesome, truthful, real parents and if anyone other than the two of them read this blog and know them, ask them questions or just chat with them some time. You'll be amazed at their knowlege and insight.
She was more interested in me reading her a story than being my model. Oh well, i'll like that attitude in about 15 years!
It was fun to hang out with you yesterday:). Praying for you too.
Hey what is the website of the woman who makes those cute coats? I want to show Dan.
As soon as we're into February I'm on the Spring train. I figure January is the worst so if I can just get through that...
Hannah is looking super cute in that dress! She's lucky to have such a talented Mom ;)I'll have to learn to sew clothes. I've limited myself thus far.
PS: Hannah HAD to get an "attitude" eventually. I'm sure in comparsion to many babes out there she's still pretty mild. Even still I'm glad you have people to call and tell you that their kids did the same stuff. I'll keep you on speed dial when it's time for you to give me the talk.
PSS: I didn't see you today, were we ships passing in the pews?
PSSS: Yeah, I work too much. I have to bring home a little bacon before I call it quits. Come to think of it though, I don't really even like bacon. I would eat it if it were there, but I wouldn't go and buy it on purpose and fry it up. You know?
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