Friday, February 23, 2007


-If a cat always lands on its feet, and buttered bread always lands buttered side down. What would happen if you tied a piece of buttered bread to the back of a cat?

-Shouldn't there be a shorter word for monosyllabic?

-If quizzes are quizical then what are tests? Testicular?

-Why is it said that an alarm clock "goes off" when it begins ringing?

-If you tried to fail. And succeeded, then which have you done?

-Why is cargo shipped and a shipment made by car?

Anyways. Just a few random musings. Now i'm off to do something much more exciting. Giving the dog a much needed hair cut. Oh joy.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Moving on

We have toyed with the idea of moving for quite some time but it never really stuck. But now it's official. We are getting our house ready to sell. Which means doing all the things we meant to do forever ago like putting up base boards, painting doors fixing our front entrance stairs... What I have noticed is that alot of mls pictures show cluttered out of date houses. It makes it difficult to see past it to what it could be if we lived there. So, I have taken some pictures of our house (ok a ton of pictures) and want some outsiders perspectives on how it shows. Keep in mind that this is pre base boards etc. Oh yeah...try to be nice with any critisism. :) They're on the right in Flickr

Thursday, February 8, 2007

I tried the little outfit on Hannah after she woke up from her nap and I have to say that the picture in the earlier post does NOT do it justice. I showed her what she looked like in the mirror and she couldn't stop smiling. Unfortunately all the smiley pictures are fuzzy. Oh well.

Dancin' Queen

I went to dance class last night and was able to do more than I thought I would. We started on a routine and it ended up being really fun. Amber said that seeing as we only have two more classes left that if we wanted to do another six weeks that she is available. I am totally up for it but I think that I might ask the other girls if another night might work better so that Cory can have Hannah at home instead of having to get the grandparents to look after her on such a regular basis. Don't want to take their services for granted! It's neat to see some of the dance moves come together. And to see all of us doing it together. Not that I'm that great still but there is no tears in my eyes anyway!

Also, Hannah just got this super cute outfit from a lady at church. It will be perfect for Easter!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Yes sir, I like it

Recently there are a few things I just can't get enough of. And because I can't think of anything else to post I will tell you what they are.

1. Chicken Ceasar Salad, but with the addition of huge chunks of avacado, mmmm.....

2. Mia Chai mix from Zack's, I love the stuff they sell by the cup and this is just as good but WAY cheaper and I don't have to leave home to have it.

3. Burt's Bees peppermint lip balm, it has such a refreshing tingle that makes my lips feel so happy.

4. Penny Novels. Especially mysteries. Such an easy read and I can put it down when I need to "tend" to Hannah without too much trouble.

5. Tuscan Farm's lavender Body Polish. It makes your skin feel amazing. I didn't think I liked lavender but Tuscan Farm's stuff is great.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

I am... (as well)

I am the dark haired baby born in the wheat sea that is Saskatchewan, to parents who love God and each other more than their children. I am the child who has always found comfort in that.

I am the baby who rarely cried and fit well into the fourth child slot.

I am the child who played Locomotion, Life and cribbage by herself when no one else was around to play. Who loved her stuffed animals to the point of humanizing them. Who stored up every belonging as a treasure, not to be played with but to look at and arrange. Who dreamed of nothing else but to be a wife and mother and never thought she would have so much trouble accomplishing the second.

I am the teenager who was a late bloomer who wore outrageous polyester dress shirts from Value Village and loved to portray her personality through weird outfits and hated lying to her paernts all the time. I am the teenager who finally got "found out" when she returned from a weekend motor bike roadtrip with a guy they didn't know but eventually loved as well.

I am the woman who married the motor bike man (who happens to be the only man I'll ever love) while wearing a polyester wedding dress. I am the woman whose greatest loves are God, her husband, daughter and family.

I am the mother who loves that I finally "recieved favour from the Lord" And would go crazy if she wasn't in my life. Whose moments of perfect bliss come when all my greatest loves get together. (There are so many of us now!)

I am the esthetician/mother who loves to make people feel good about themselves and doesn't like it when they don't realize their own beauty.

I am the woman who listens a lot, laughs a ton and sings incesently. I am the person who wants to help those who are hurting and then doesn't for fear of rejection.

I am the woman who still loves stuffed animals and board games but I no longer have to play them alone. Who still longs to learn to let go when she paints and draws.

I am the person who dreams of growing old with my love, of Christmas' with grandchildren and is grateful for the proximity of loved ones. I am the person who hopes that her daughter's life will be filled with as much joy, love and laughter as her own has been.
This posting idea is from Mary at it is a contest that gives you a template to work with. It's pretty interesting. My sister-in-law did one as well